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J. Thomas Brown


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J. Thomas
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Pen Name
J. Thomas Brown
Personal photo
Place is an important component of J. Thomas Brown's writing, whether that world no longer exists, or may come into existence in the future. His father had the wanderlust and moved his family up and down the American East Coast, to Sweden and England, and back and forth in between.

J. Thomas Brown's short story, Breaking Them with Words, appeared in Scarlet Leaf Review and Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small Planet. A memoir, Valium Dream, was a finalist in Streetlight Magazine's Memoir/Essay Contest 2021. Two creative nonfiction stories, Hard Cider and Thumbtacks, were published in Journal of the Virginia Writers Club Spring 2021 and Summer 2021. He is a contributor to Lingering in the Margins: A River City Poets Anthology, North of Oxford, Rising Voices: Poems Towards a Social Justice Revolution (Poetry, Healing, & Growth Book Series by University Professors Press). Poems and hybrid work have appeared in New Verse News, Rattlecast, Copperfield Review Quarterly, Wild Roof Journal, and numerous poems in Moonstone Arts Center anthologies.

Additional works include a historical fiction novel, Land of Three Houses (Austin Macauley, 2018), a silk road fantasy novel, The Hole in the Bone (Fenghuang Publishing, 2018), Mooncalf, a poetry collection in print and ebook, (Fenghuang Publishing, 2019), and Mooncalf audiobook (Authors Republic, 2019). Driving With Poppi: A Patrimoir and Saint Elmos Light: Collected Short Stories were released in 2021 by Fenghuang Publishing.

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VWC Chapter (if any)

Speakers' Bureau

Speaker Area(s) of Writing Expertise
  • Craft
  • Fiction (long form)
  • Fiction (short form)
  • Non-fiction (creative non-fiction)
Other Topic(s) of Expertise
historical fiction, short stories, poetry

Poems, Novels, Plays, or other Works

Work 1 - Title
Land of Three Houses
Work 1 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Historical Fiction
Work 1 - Cover
Work 1 - Description
William Sterner’s story begins in the late 1700’s on the Tohickon Creek in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, during the period known as The Rage for Wheat. His quest to build a fortune based on wheat leads him to Livorno, Tuscany, during the Napoleonic wars where he meets the Enlightenment salonnière, Madame de Staël. Join him on his journey home to The Land of Three Houses.
Work 2 - Title
Saint Elmo's Light
Work 2 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Literature
Work 2 - Genre (Other)
collected short stories of J Thomas Brown
Work 2 - Cover
Work 2 - Description
The blue-violet light of St. Elmo’s fire, caused by a molecular tearing apart of electrically charged plasma in the air, is brightest in the area of highest curvature such as at the ends of pointed objects like ship's masts and lightning rods. The thirteen stories in this collection are concentrated in this electrically charged area of high curvature where phenomena are more intense.
Work 3 - Title
The Hole in the Bone
Work 3 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Science Fiction & Fantasy
Work 3 - Genre (Other)
speculative archaeological fantasy
Work 3 - Cover
Work 3 - Description
His second novel, The Hole in the Bone, is set along the Old Silk Road in The Land of Fruits and Melons in East Turkestan where the Tarim Basin Mummies were discovered. An archaeologist falls into the tomb of an ancient shaman buried in the Taklamakan Desert. He learns he must complete his mission from a previous life 3800 years ago and is given a second chance reincarnated as Nick Taylor.
Work 4 - Title
Work 4 - Genre
(Fiction & Literature) Poetry
Work 4 - Cover
Work 4 - Description
MOONCALF is a collection of thirty-three poems. It is an outsider's journey through a world that is both devastating and wonderful. The poems come from dreams, close encounters with the bending sickle, and a search for social justice. Available in print/ebook/audiobook.
Work 5 - Title
Driving With Poppi: A Patremoir
Work 5 - Genre
(Nonfiction) Memoir
Work 5 - Genre (Other)
Novelette patremoir
Work 5 - Cover
Work 5 - Description
Author's note --

My father had the wanderlust and moved our family nearly every year and a half. We lived up and down the U.S. East Coast, in Sweden, and in England. The plot is woven around the places we lived. A common thread in the story is his driving, at times humorous, and sometimes terrifying. My father had a mind like a steel trap, but his braininess also got him into trouble. He loved life - perhaps too much.

His mind was always crunching away on something else. He was not mentally in the same place where his body was. Dad said on several occasions he wished he had become a college professor and not an engineer. He enjoyed getting in front of an audience and lecturing with near perfect recall of dates and facts and gesticulated dramatically when speaking. This is okay if you are giving a lecture, but not if you are doing over sixty down the highway and take your hands off the wheel. He had driving tickets. Lots.

Additional Works - Add title, genre, URL, description, and publication year in free form text here.

Additional Works
Additional works include a historical fiction novel, Land of Three Houses (Austin Macauley, 2018), a silk road fantasy novel, The Hole in the Bone (Fenghuang Publishing, 2018), Mooncalf, a poetry collection in print and ebook, (Fenghuang Publishing, 2019), and Mooncalf audiobook (Authors Republic, 2019). Driving With Poppi: A Patrimoir and Saint Elmos Light: Collected Short Stories were released in 2021 by Fenghuang Publishing.
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