VWC Member New Releases, October 2021

11/28/2021 10:55 AM | Joanne Liggan (Administrator)

Charles Tabb:  Finding Twigs was released on July 20, 2021, by Gifted Time Books

Janice Hoffman:  Four Fairy Friends Celebrate Christmas was released on September 27, 2021, by High Tide Publications, Inc.

Kris Spisak: Kris's article, "When is My Novel Ready to Read: 7 Self-Editing Processes for Writers," was published on September 24, 2021, in Writer's Digest.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cuy4pdPi-boY-cMXk5pR-rP83RKCNPn3UwDMBhJL6kU/edit#:~:text=https%3A//www.writersdigest.com/write%2Dbetter%2Dfiction/when%2Dis%2Dmy%2Dnovel%2Dready%2Dto%2Dread%2Dself%2Dediting%2Dprocesses%2Dfor%2Dwriters

K.P. Robbins:   Thoughts and Prayers, a novel by Lee Anne Post,  was released October 26, 2021, by Milford House Press, an imprint of Sunbury Press, Inc.

Patrice Wilkerson:  Wilkerson's article was featured in the book Dear God:  118 Devotional Prayers for Teens and Young Adults, published on November 1, 2021.

William Tang:  The Chinese Slant was published on July 20, 2021, by History Publishing Co., LLC

William Tang:  "Besieged by Songs" was published in History Magazine Quarterly on August 1, 2021.

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